Saturday 20 June 2015 112 recursos

Agradezco al página  el listado de nada más y nada menos que 112 recursos para aprender inglés desde la web. Además de mi gran favorita www. ...Ya os vale!

Desde los estudios de Carl Ranson Rogers en los años 40 y de Daniel Goleman en 1996, la noción de inteligencia emocional y la idea de que expresar, conocer y encauzar adecuadamente las emociones es necesario y beneficioso, están plenamente aceptadas. Goleman afirma:
La investigación científica ha demostrado que la autoconciencia, la confianza en uno mismo, la empatía y la gestión más adecuada de las emociones e impulsos perturbadores no sólo mejoran la conducta del niño, sino que también inciden muy positivamente en su rendimiento académico.
 Elena compró este  libro para mi hija mayor y les  encantó, así que quiso  compartirlo con sus alumnos naciendo el   proyecto-emocionario.dentro del aula
A mi me gustó mucho  la idea y quiero compartirla con vosotros  ;)  gracias a Elena, El libro, el  blog de Elena,su hija, vosotros y en general al todos

Wednesday 10 June 2015

20-British-words-that-mean-something-totally-different-in-the-US and UK

"In the United States,they speak the same language as their ye old predecessors in Great Britain, but they don't always speak it the same way. So, the people from BIGSTOCK  asked their oh-so British receptionist, Ryan Lovett, to give them a crash course in some of the more notable discrepancies.
Here are 20 words that have pretty different meanings in Great Britain than they do in the U.S. Made with royalty-free images from Bigstock.

click here

Monday 8 June 2015

Describing a house

Here You have a very detalles descripción of a house for Elementary/ Preintermediate level
Do not miss the  audio!!!

My house

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Science - Universe - Solar system and its planets - English

BodhaGuru Learning proudly presents an animated Science video in English for children, which teaches about solar system and its planets. It describes about different planets and explains about movement of earth.
It starts with a nice short animated story -- Live and Let Live, which can help you to know the solar system closely, watch:
Thye are a social enterprise working on a mission to make school learning interesting, relevant and affordable to every child on this planet.
You can watch our FREE online videos at and download our practice application/games - just visit

Have fun, while you learn. Thanks for watching

BBC Future.Science inspires music

Science inspires music
Click here
Science inspires music more often than you might think. Philip Ball compiled a playlist of the good, the bad and the far-out. n February 1930, a young astronomer called Clyde Tombaugh confirmed what some researchers had suspected for some time: the solar system was home to a ninth planet, orbiting far beyond Neptune. The discovery was met with an enthusiastic reception, as people the world over began offering up names for the new rock. Eventually, Pluto – the suggestion of an 11-year-old girl from the UK – won out.
This group should have written Star Wars — Which band was Mark Bolan praising?
But one man might have been forgiven for not welcoming the discovery. Between 1914 and 1916, Gustav Holst wrote his famous Planets suite. He lived until 1934 – but evidently he lacked the energy to bring his composition up to date in his final years. In fact, it wasn’t until 2000 that The Planets gained an additional piece.
British composer Colin Matthews was asked by the Halle Orchestra to write an addendum for the planet Pluto. The new piece was well received – but barely six years after it was premiered, the International Astronomical Union elected to demote Pluto from its planetary status, making Matthews’ work redundant.
The tale of Holst and Matthews might be seen as a warning for any artist or musician tempted to explore science through their work. Discoveries are continually shifting our knowledge of the world. Plenty of musicians have sought to capture scientific ideas and themes in their works, from Kate Bush to glam rockers. So, how successful have they been?
STEPHEN HAWKINGS asks big questions about the universe
l profesor Stephen Hawking pregunta sobre algunos de los Grandes Interrogantes sobre nuestro universo: ¿Cómo comenzó el universo? ¿Cómo comenzó la vida? ¿Estamos solos?. Y plantea de qué modo nos podemos aproximar a responderlas.
Stephen Hawking's scientific investigations have shed light on the origins of the cosmos, the nature of time and the ultimate fate of the universe. His bestselling books for a general audience have given an appreciation of physics to millions. Full bio

The Solar System Song

It's a song about the Sun and the planets for children of all ages.
This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123
Copyright 2011 A.J. Jenkins/KidsTV123: All rights reserved.
For free MP3s, worksheets and much more:

Kids songs song for children

Chords - Capo 2nd Fret
C Em F C G F
(Final Chorus - Em F)

I am the Sun. I'm a burning ball of fire. I'm very big indeed.
Life on earth depends on me. I am the Sun.

I am Mercury. I'm the closest planet to the Sun.
I'm a ball of iron -- I have no moons. I am Mercury.

I am Venus. I'm the same size as the Earth but I spin the other way and much more slowly.
I have no water -- I am Venus.

I am the Earth. The place where we all live. There is land and lots of sea so I look blue.
I have a moon. I am the Earth.

I am Mars. I'm a rocky, red planet. My mountains are the highest in our solar system.
I have 2 moons. I am Mars.

I am Jupiter. I'm a gas giant. I'm the biggest and I spin the fastest. I have the biggest moon. I am Jupiter.

I am Saturn. I'm a gas giant. My rings are made of ice. Titan is my biggest moon. I am Saturn.

I am Uranus. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the coldest planet in our solar system. And I have rings made of dust. I am Uranus.

I am Neptune. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the farthest planet from the sun. I have many storms. I am Neptune.

We are The Solar System.